Sunday, August 21, 2011

Still His Quest is

He never knew it would Strange...

Still His Quest is

To keep it Known...

He never knew it would Fly...

Still His Quest is

To keep it Embrace...

He never knew it would Hate...

Still His Quest is

To keep it Love...

He never knew it would Stale...

Still His Quest is

To keep it Fresh...

He never knew it would Gloom...

Still His Quest is

To keep it Glad...

He never knew it would Die...

Still His Quest is

To keep it Alive...


  1. he never knew it will never end
    still he kept trying that it could stay forever..

    think positive..cos yu never kno wat yu're questing for is actually ur destiny!!

    keep smiling maalik!!

  2. Amazing yr...u say a lot in few lines... :) :)
