Monday, December 12, 2011

A Talk with Almighty

Sitting despair on the porch He was near the End…

The Almighty was on a stroll only to find Him Cluttered…

Ignoring The Lord seemed to Him as a mean to surpass the Fate…

Smiling at His agony The Divine made the way near the Gate…

Him: At last you are here to take me away (and the anger had its way out)…

Lord: Calm down my Son, need not worry until I have your acceptance (a gentle pat on the head)...

Him: Are you mad to ask me the same and take me to the place where I have never been (unable to understand the purpose)…

Lord: Were you here ever before the day I sent you, and that day too you cried (understanding the nature within)…

Him: Because you threw me away from your own closet, and now you want me to be taken aback…

Lord: They were ready to accept you then, and now the rejection is on the upsurge, I cannot see you like that…

Him: It is the part and parcel of life, which you have only created, but, now I be love them the most…

Lord: You are my instrument to spread the word of Values; Ideals; and Wisdom to the mankind…

Interrupting the Lord

Him: Still you want me away from the one where I have my own purpose created by you…

Lord: Shall I complete my Son, you have worn out in the way of making people learn and I need to overhaul you for the same…

Him: Do it right away, and I will be back on my mission…

Lord: I can sympathize with you, but, you are old and they need always new to learn…

Him: It means you will change me…

Lord: No my Son, the flesh has rotten and it needs to be pulled off, but, the soul is intact inside the frame…

Will give you the new skin, but, with your own self beneath, to be on the mission again…

Him: What if, till then others lose out the purpose of living…

Lord: Are you confident enough of your teachings, then that won’t be the case…

Your heart is meant to stop, but, not your Wisdom… Let the thought prevail and you be remembered for a long way, until you come again with a renewed passion and you would never know you will be praising your own self along with others for the deeds in the past…

You have ingrained your soul in hundreds of them, and let them carry forward the goal…

A day will come when their flesh will rot and till the time, you will be in the charge again…

The life is meant to enjoy at fullest with a purpose and you have completed the same early, for which I am proud of, as you can work upon new things quicker than others, as and when you are back…

Him: Is it true that I would be back…

Lord: Trust me Son, your soul is needed here, and I just want you to be in a renewed frame…

I want this creation of mine to sustain for a long time, and that is why I created you to be into Start – End mode, but, not the creation itself…

I again repeat: Let the Values; Ideals; and Wisdom prevail for each and every one to understand the purpose of this creation and make it always as a Happy; Healthy; and Evolving destination for the innumerable soul created right there up above…

Shall we then make the way my Son…

Him: I am here Almighty at the Gate…

As I have already submitted the Fate…

Sitting despair on the porch others witnessed His End…

He was all smiles for now the secret being known…

As He will be back soon with a renewed frame only to sustain the Creation He loved…


Sharing a recent incident happened with me, to think upon our Intellectual Abilities rewarded with Degree:

I was travelling back from office in company’s bus… Roads were crowded as usual… At one of the cross road, when our bus was waiting for its turn to go ahead, I noticed something unusual…

An elderly couple was trying to cross the road from the half way, but, due to traffic found it difficult… Literates in terms of Degree like: Men, Women, Youngsters, and Couples, were in hurry on their respective vehicles to reach their desired places early… When, a person of age around 50, looking like a construction worker, seemingly illiterate in terms of degree, did his bit in helping the elderly couple to cross the road…

My heart saluted the illiterate and felt ashamed of knowledge we get in our aesthetically designed course curriculum…

I got my turn the same evening, when I was able to help an elderly uncle to cross the road, where situation was the same in my neighborhood… Then only I realized being worth Literate of Course Curriculum called: Life…

Take care and have a nice time…